
A new review published in Trends in Cancer strongly suggests that African-Americans have a unique genetic susceptibility to cancer, both in terms of acquiring the disease and dying from it.
In the 1980s, a case of gonorrhea would have been easily treated with a course of antibiotics. Today, this is not the case. An announcement by the World Health Organization calls attention to the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance in Neiserria gonorrheae – the bacteria that causes this sexually transmitted disease. 
Compared to warm winters, cold winters are likelier to land more people in the hospital, particularly the emergency room. 
Rehabilitation for stroke patients after hospitalization is critical, can family help? Not so much on their own.
Sometimes the CDC really gets it right, and let's give 'em credit! That's certainly true in the case of "chronic" Lyme disease. The agency explains that the symptoms some people suffer after successful Lyme treatment may be due to other tick-borne disease. But the chronic administration of antibiotics isn't necessary to treat a non-existent illness.
The recent outbreak in New York City has already claimed a 90+ year old and sickened six others, four who remain hospitalized. It's caught by breathing in the bacteria in the form of water vapor – aerosols – so when an outbreak occurs, and the source of the bacteria contaminated aerosols is shut down, the outbreak is contained. 
People who commit suicide tend to have shorter telomeres and excess mitochondrial DNA. While these changes are not likely to be responsible for them committing suicide, they instead could serve as a biomarker for risk of suicide.
People with type 2 diabetes who are not using insulin, are typically instructed to monitor their blood glucose levels regularly. But a new study suggests that doing so may not provide any long-term benefits for controlling those levels. This could be the end of what has been the standard of care for these patients.
Federal health officials have identified a clear link between the increase in domesticated chickens and the rise in Salmonella incidents. And the statistics indicate that close contact with these adorable chicks and egg-laying birds is accelerating the spread of disease to humans in the home.
The headlines are scary — even one daily alcohol-containing drink causes an increased risk of breast cancer (oh my!) But a closer look at the study giving rise to such headlines should help calm those fears, at least a little.
The deaths of Roger Ailes, one of the founders of Fox News, and the actress Natasha Richardson both died following a head trauma. Here we explain two specific types of intracranial bleeding that ended their lives.
American Council Board Advisor Jerry Cutler takes a look at medical situations that should prompt us to re-evaluate the application of the linear dose-response model.