
Roughly 50 percent of patients with mild cognitive impairments develop Alzheimer's dementia. A recent study sheds some light on what physicians can tell their patients.
HPV-associated head and neck cancers are disproportionately higher in men. A recent study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, investigated the prevalence of HPV infections in the U.S. population. It also addressed how prevalent oral HPV infections were in those with concomitant genital HPV infections.
Isn't it odd that Florida has so many people living with Alzheimer's? If Erin Brockovich was investigating the case, she probably would conclude that it's something to do with the water.
The latest outbreak of the plague is alarming. Over the last two months, the World Health Organization reports 501 cases of plague – known as the Black Death to history buffs – on the island nation. Even more concerning: of those case, there's an 11 percent mortality rate. 
When you feel a cold coming on start popping zinc lozenges. That will do much more for you than vitamin C or Echinacea.
A new study in the British Medical Journal suggests that the majority of new cancer drugs approved by the European Medicines Agency lacked evidence that they improved survival or the quality of life of patients.
Cirrhosis, the final stage of liver disease, is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States. Unhealthy bacteria in the mouth and gut appear to play a role.
Zika virus has been around since at least 1947, causing mild symptoms. All of a sudden it went full-beast mode and started producing shrinking heads in babies, and other terrible neurological outcomes. Scientists may have figured out that one little amino acid could responsible for flipping the script.
Women who suffer from some of the more extreme menopausal symptoms can take heart from a new analysis of the Women's Health Initiative data. A long-term, follow-up found no link between hormone replacement therapy and all-cause mortality, total cancer mortality or cardiovascular mortality.
Both obesity in general, and central obesity, are associated with a higher risk of some breast cancers, finds a new Chinese study. The strength of the association was affected by whether the tumors carried receptors for estrogen or progesterone.
It used to be that breast cancer diagnosis often meant a radical surgery, removing the breast as well as underlying muscle. But in the last few decades, we've learned that such extreme measures are usually not necessary. And recent research indicates that minimal surgery (along with radiation and systemic treatment) may be all that's necessary, in some cases.
A new study in JAMA Surgery reports that a crucial decision – whether a breast cancer patient should undergo a double mastectomy when only one breast is affected – is heavily influenced by her surgeon's recommendation.