
Anti-smoking groups had a serious problem on their hands.

If you need further evidence that the tobacco-control movement has lost its way, consider this December 1 story from

For many years, the science communication landscape looked something like this: reputable universities and public health institutions did sound research and educated consumers about the risks they faced; devious activist groups fabricated health s

More good news from the world of public health: teen vaping continues its steady decline, according to the latest results from the CDC's National Youth Tobacco

The UK's National Health Service just published the results of its survey Smoking, Drinkin

The past year has seen the publication of many studies alleging that e-cigarette use (vaping) carries very serious health consequences, everything from depression to erectile dysfunction and higher stroke risk.

Let's say you wanted to keep as many people smoking as possible. How would you do it? Your best move would be to restrict consumer access to the most popular and effective smoking cessation tool we know of.

Federal regulators are deeply concerned about flavored tobacco, especially vaping products.