prescription drugs

We treat sports Gambling differently because the State is addicted to the revenue and ignores the cost.

The stated goal of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) is to provide the patient/consumer with additional information to inform their “purchasing” decisions.

"In my mind, what the DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] is essentially doing is telling a diabetic who's been on insulin for 20 years that they no longer need insulin and they should be cured.

The high cost of prescription drugs is a source of universal frustration.

Media buzz is afoot surrounding the announcement pharmaceutical companies will be raising U.S.

How often do you hear of someone using their spouse’s antibiotic medication that was prescribed for a prior illness but not entirely if ever used? Or, a teen sharing her friend’s birth control pills?

In addition to being a source of universal frustration, the high cost of drugs is a public relations nightmare for health systems and the much maligned pharmaceutical industry.

In a trend described as “shocking,” news outlets are

Multi-drug misuse and abuse - albeit prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) or illicit in nature - is a huge problem (not just in overdose risk).

With the story of the elaborate rescue operation of the soccer team trapped in the Thai Cave captivating the world, reporters have just revealed a new detail that many find surprising.