
It's an ongoing debate: Can breakfast help deter obesity? Some research has found no connection. But a recent study of Spanish adults suggests that breakfast-eaters have a lower risk of developing abdominal obesity, the most dangerous kind.  
In a nod to science, Newsweek reported that there might be genetic underpinnings to obesity. So kudos, for at least that. But why not share the actual science instead of dumbing it down to, “Regardless of how much you eat, your weight may be out of your hands?” For the scientifically-literate explanation, here it is.
Obesity is hard on knees. It's well-known that excess weight can lead to arthritis in the weight-bearing joints — knees and hips. Less understood is the risk of knee dislocations and subsequent vascular damage, which is also increased in the obese and morbidly obese populations.
When misguided "healthy" Halloween restrictions do nothing to combat obesity, but do everything to steal joy. 
Can body weight, or weight-loss attempts for that matter, be affected by eating 3 meals daily as opposed to simply "grazing" on mini-meals throughout the day? New data from Australia suggests that for women, at least, grazers run a bigger risk of being overweight or obese.
Despite the public health warnings about obesity, since 1999 its prevalence has increased markedly. And the latest CDC stats show that the trend continued for both adults and youngsters between 2014 and 2016. But amid the otherwise depressing statistics, there is a glimmer of hope buried within.
Someone considering bariatric surgery, specifically the so-called Roux-en-Y procedure, will be glad to know that the benefits are long-lasting, according to a new study. Those who underwent it not only maintained much of their weight loss for at least 12 years, they also were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than equally-obese people who didn't have that surgery.
There are two different types of fat: white and brown. White fat is a fat storage depot, whereas brown fat transforms energy into heat. Researchers have successfully created a patch containing a micro-needle that delivers sustained release drugs in nanoparticles, stimulating white fat to turn to brown.
Both obesity in general, and central obesity, are associated with a higher risk of some breast cancers, finds a new Chinese study. The strength of the association was affected by whether the tumors carried receptors for estrogen or progesterone.
Sleep deprivation has been associated with an increased risk of obesity in several studies. A new one, based on a large British survey, assessed whether that link could be due to over-eating by bleary-eyed people. But the data didn't support that hypothesis, so researchers will have to look harder to explain that link.
While bariatric surgery is the most effective means of dealing with extreme obesity, subjects must still exercise some degree of dietary discipline to obtain the most benefit. A new analysis finds that the degree of early weight loss predicts long-term success, and both are linked to decreases in energy intake.
It's well known that menopause incurs many negative consequences, including hot flashes, bone loss and added weight in the abdominal area (visceral fat — the worst kind). Any of these can have negative health effects, and current treatment options such as drugs to prevent/treat osteoporosis don't do anything for added fat, or vice versa. But recent research in mice suggests that blocking the hormone FSH could greatly help.