Biomedicine & Biotech

Antibacterial surfaces are one way that we are fighting back against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In one type of surface – naturally found on dragonfly wings – tiny pillars physically rip bacteria apart.
The most inhospitable places on Earth usually host some sort of life, from the super-hot hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor to the ice of Antarctica. While not as extreme, caves are also quite inhospitable. Complete darkness serves as a harsh restriction on what can – and can't – survive there.
This agonizing situation is a powerful reminder that nature will always be our greatest adversary. That said, current day understanding, innovation and progress is a formidable opponent.
Many believe that “genetically modified organism” is a term that has some significance for interpreting the safety of food. Most life scientists – geneticists, biologists, ecologists and agronomists – are pretty certain that the opposite is true. Here's why.
Sunlight is the energy source for photosynthesis. But a new discovery finds that cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, can grow in near-infrared light.
With drones, discovery in science and medicine makes the sky – and now the sea – the limit.
Here it is, step by step: Recycling My Own Blood, The Match, The Preparation, The Donation and The Aftermath. It's quite an experience, to say the least.
Does Geisinger Health System's latest pitch, to offer DNA sequencing as part of routine testing at the primary care visit, promise more than it can deliver?
The foundation was started by Henry A. Wallace, whose fortune was derived from starting pro-science endeavors. Given that legacy, it's hard to imagine Wallace not turning over in his grave given that his descendants are using money to smear science. But that is actually what's happened. 
The co-founder of Microsoft recently met with health experts in Boston and pledged $12 million to help speed the development of a universal flu vaccine, which he argued is badly needed. Gates warned that the U.S., as well as the world, is distinctly unprepared for the next big pandemic that will eventually strike.
More than 140 children and 200 llamas, dating back to the 1400s, were discovered along the northern coast of Peru. Why is it believed this was likely an unprecedented child sacrifice?
It's dangerous being livestock. If you aren't being fattened up to be turned into a Happy Meal, you're wandering the fields, gobbling up plants that appear tasty and innocent – but are actually toxic. Plant poisonings cost the livestock industry more than $500 million every year.